miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

La revolución de mayo: ayer y hoy

Estos días estuvimos hablando sobre el centenario y en bicentenario de la Revolución de mayo tuvimos que buscar información  en google y también imágenes y con eso hacer una infografia. Para hacer la infografia use una app llamada “Pages”.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

E.M. Presentation: Boreal Forest (Taiga)

        This last three classes of E.M. we work in groups about differents biomes. My group was Valentina, Juana and Lola. My group work wit Boreal forest.
         First, we looked up some information about the Taiga. Second, we prepeared a presentation with "Google Slides". Third, we diveded the information, for then studied by heard.
Finally, we passed to the front to explain the presentation and the information.

The presentation had to have:
  • Characteristics 
  • Temperature and Rainfall 
  • Flora
  • Fauna 
  • Soil

This is our presentation:

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

A Victorian’s girls diary

Yesterday and today we saw some pages of diaries of children victorian’s times. So we do one doing like we were kids of those times

  1. We saw some videos with information about Victorian’s times
  2. We paint a page with coffee or tea (mine was with coffee)
  3. We write our 1st draft 
  4. Our teacher correct it
  5. Then we copied in the page with coffee
  6. Finally we had to take a photo and published in our blogs.
This is my page of the diary:

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Julio Verne: un visionario de su tiempo

Durante estos últimos días estuvimos trabajando de forma individual realizando una infografia sobre Julio Verne. Esta infografia debía llamarse “Julio Verne: un visionario de su tiempo”. En ella teníamos que poner algunos datos sobre su vida y hablar de cuatro de sus libros, estos eran: “De la Tierra a la Luna”, “Cinco semanas en globo”, "Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino" y “La vuelta al mundo en 80 días”. Todas las imágenes fueron sacadas de google.

Está es mi infografia:

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

How do plants survive?

Last class we saw with our teacher how plants survive. Then she put very important information in the board, that information she take it from a page of google. Then we do a mind map in a app called “Mindomo”.

This is my mind map!! I think you are going to like it.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

My On: “The thing in the woods”

The last book that I read in My On was “The thing in the wood”. Then in groups, we had to write possible quotations and then with that quotations we made a graffiti.

   This is my graffiti, I wish you like: