domingo, 30 de junio de 2019


 El día jueves 27 de Junio estuvimos utilizando una aplicación llamada GEOGEBRA. Con ella hicimos formas tales como, triángulos (escaleno, equilátero, isósceles), cuadrado, rectángulo, paralelogramos, trapecios, rombo, romboides, etc. Para poder hacerlo vimos unos videos que nos mandó nuestra profesora y también nos guiamos de nuestro libro de matemática. Sinceramente se me complicó mucho al momento de hacerlo, ¡pero lo logré!

Así quedaron mis figuras:

sábado, 15 de junio de 2019

"Shawn and Joaquin"

In Writing, we had to write a story about telling a lie, my story is about a girl that cheat her boyfriend with another boy, and start telling a lie.

This is my story:

          Crash! the ball hit a very beautiful man. We ran where he was and I told my boyfriend, Edward, to ask him if he was okey. The man turned around and looked directly to Martina´s, my friend, eyes. They immediatly fell in love,and he said "Hi, I´m Joaquin, what´s your name?" "Martina," she answered. "I´m okey, but my shoulder still hurts," Joaquin answered to Edward´s question. When Edward and I knew that he was okey we left, but Martina stood.

          Martina an Joaquin talked two hours about their feelings, but my friend never told him anything about her boyfriend. One day, Martina´s boyfriend saw them in the park, so he ran to where she was and he started shouting, "what are you doing with my girlfriend?" and Martina tried to calm her boyfriend down, "Shawn he is only my friend," she said, "that´s a lie, you have just answered you want to be my girlfriend." "no, I never said that." Martina answered. Shawn  went away. He was very angry, Joaquin did the same.

           In the end Martina ended  her relationship with both of them. She never saw Shawn again , but she continued talking with Joaquin. They were friends. Martina said sorry to him. He forgave her, but thy were just friends. Finally she reflected on what  had happened and she promised and she promised herself never to do that again.


Resultado de imagen para un chico y una chica abrazados dibujo

martes, 4 de junio de 2019

Writing Competition

  Some classes ago, we had a writing competition, that consisted of writing a story paying attention to the items,that were given, but we have to choose only one.

Here I am going to leave the items, so you can undestand what I am talking about.

The items were:

  1. If you could end any one problem in the world, what would it bw? why?
  2. Write about the mos important thing in your life.
  3. One day, a gigant box was delivered to your front door step with your name on it. What was inside and what happened when you open it.
I chose the second one, and I wrote about my mother.

       The most important thing in my life is my mother, because she always hear me when I have a problem. I mean, that she is the person who gave me the life, and this is one and most important reasons.

        I have lots of memories with her, like traveling to some parts of the world. I also have bad memories, like when she was ill ata the hospital.

       Sometimes we argue because we think very different and I tell her very bad things and then  I fell very bad about it, because she is one of the only people that try to understand me.

      I really don´t know if she know that I love her so much, because I never tell her those types of things. But if one day she reads this, I want to tell her that I love her a lot.

       Since today, I would let her know all these things, telling her "I love you" and to show it to her.

     These twelve years of my life I had been very silly, because I didn´t take advantage of having her at home and some people really want to look to their mother faces only one more time.

                                                              THE END.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2019

El origen de la escritura

En Historia estuvimos hablando sobre la Escritura, desde quien la creo, hasta los diferentes tipos que se pueden encontrar. También estuvimos trabajando con la Creciente fértil ubicada en  Mesopotamia, el  lugar donde se originó la Revolución Neolítica.

A partir de ello tuvimos que hacer una infografia, en la cual debíamos incluir los diferentes tipos de escritura. También realizamos el Mapa mudo de la Creciente Fértil, en el cual debíamos incluir los ríos, mares y desiertos. También debíamos marcar con verde las zonas fértiles  y con amarillo las  zonas áridas .

¡A continuación les dejo mi infografia y mi mapa mudo!